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Grand (1000) 750 .and 500+ Mile Hiking Clubs.  Consider joining one of our mile clubs - and walk, hike, jog, run, treadmill your way to a 2022 mile goal.  Grand Mile Club goal is 1000 miles - counting any outing of 2 or more consecutive miles. 500+ Mile Club goal is 500 plus miles - counting any outing of 1 or more consecutive miles.  

The Grand Mileage Club -  Hike 1000 miles per year.  Report your mileage monthly to Jenny Buffington at

500 & 750 Mileage Club - Hike 500 or 750 miles per year.  Report your mileage monthly to Ann Palaitis at 


Members of the Outdoor Club of South Jersey can select a walking/running mileage goal of  1000 ,750 or 500 miles for the calendar year.  Reaching your annual goal is based on mileage you complete during months you are a member of the mileage club. 



Walk (or run) on club hikes, around your neighborhood, at the mall, or on a treadmill.  The only requirement is that to count mileage for any "event" in the day - you must accumulate at least 1 consecutive mile for that event.  There is no limit to how many "events" one might have in a day.  Consecutive mile means you can’t walk a half mile in the morning and a half mile in the evening and count 1 mile for your total for that day - but you can hike 1 mile in the morning and 1 in the evening for 2 total miles for that day.


REPORTING MILES:  Keep track of your miles for the month - and email your month's total miles each month.  

AWARDS PATCH:  Those reaching their goal by the end of the year - receive a patch at our awards gathering held early the following year.  The patch depicts a hiker and reads

    "MEMBER   500+ Mile Club   500+ Miles in 20__    Outdoor Club of South Jersey ".  

The year is handwritten on your patch.

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